Ricky Nash - Copy That Kicks Names And Takes Ass... Or Something
Click the bright red button to see how I can help your business generate revenue from the sky.

[Insert unprofessional picture of self]
Woah, why are you scrolling past the CTA? You're... not sold yet? Alright, here are:
3 Reasons I'm Your Best Choice!
🤪 Personality
A lot of copywriters today are flat-out boring. If you want to beat AI, you need to be entertaining.
🎉 Youth
I'm young, so I have lots of energy, am tech-savvy, and haven't spent years in a stuffy office building.
🎯 Open Mind
I always like learning new things, that's why I speak 4 languages and know 10 coding languages.
Ugh, another tough sell... Still not sure? Look at some:

Testimonial 1
Elit vis eleifend integer mi odio posuere duis

Testimonial 2
Ata vis ridiculus quis elementum ipsum ligula purus

Testimonial 3
Tortor sed donec etiam euismod fusce magnis
You're not a lot of fun, are you? I mean, who actually reads the whole sales page? Maybe it'd help if I showed you a few:

Sample 1
Mattis urna turpis nullam velit in vel feugiat malesuada orci eu auctor magnis odio nisi scelerisque adipiscing auctor.

Sample 2
Mattis urna turpis nullam velit in vel feugiat malesuada orci eu auctor magnis odio nisi scelerisque adipiscing auctor.

Sample 3
Mattis urna turpis nullam velit in vel feugiat malesuada orci eu auctor magnis odio nisi scelerisque adipiscing auctor.
What, were you expecting more? If you haven't made up your mind to click the sexy red button, I won't waste my time.
Any questions, concerns, or compliments? Take them up with my manager, you can contact him here: